A GYM to encourage people with mental health difficulties to take part in sport has been opened by Mark Wright and some of the Chester City squad.

The Physical Awareness and Activity Centre is based in the old chapel near Bowmere Hospital on the Count-ess of Chester Health Park.

Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Trust's centre is run by modern matron Colin Jones.

'We were delighted the Chester City players and manager could come to open our Physical Awareness Department,' he said.

'We hope their visit today will encourage staff and service users to become more involved in physical activity and sport - something we're very keen to promote because of its positive effect on people's mental health.'

Luis Coello, physical awareness manager, said: 'The department is an exercise, lifestyle advice and treatment centre which takes referrals from mental health services.

'Chester City were shown around the facility and gave us a signed shirt.'

The department is also used by Bowmere Hospital's Activity Group who meet regularly to take part in a range of activities such table tennis, table football and pool. Luis added: 'Service users join the group as part of their rehabilitation because it helps them become more physically active, promotes healthy lifestyles and also provides a social meeting place.'