LAST week we saw the takeover by LloydsTSB of HBOS. However I do think it’s important to point out that Mr Brown and Mr Darling have been working behind the scenes to try to ensure jobs are saved at HBOS’ head office up in Edinburgh, Scotland.

In an unprecedented move in company take-overs, HBOS when releasing its statement of intent to the city actually made reference to the fact they will be doing all they can to keep open their head office in Scotland regardless of the threats to workers jobs here in England.

So yet again English workers’ jobs aren’t worth as much as Scottish workers.

I believe that this is tantamount to gross misconduct of the positions of both the British Prime Minister and the British Chancellor. They are both Scottish and Mr Darling himself represents an Edinburgh constituency. They like many other Scottish politicians also signed the Scottish Claim of Right which states that they will put the interests of Scotland and her people first.

This is yet another reason why we English must have control of our own destiny via an English Parliament, we cannot rely on politicians from other nations of the UK to fight for the rights of English people.

It’s also very sad that we have not heard a word from either the Conservatives or Lib Dems and even the trade unions have gone into hiding. With the big three political parties all being of one mind when it comes to anti-English discrimination I am not surprised that they’ve kept their mouths shut.

Time to take sides, your nation is calling


National spokesmanThe English Democrats