YOUNG people in Wrexham will have a greater say in policies that affect them with the development of the Senedd Yr Ifanc.

Wrexham already has a youth forum which offers young people an opportunity to engage in the democratic and decision making processes which affect them at both local and national levels.

In her report to the executive board, Clare Field, chief prevention and inclusion officer, said the youth forum had produced excellent work to date. The creation of the Senedd yr Ifanc will expand on that.

It will be made up of about 50 young people aged 11-19 elected from the three area forums in Wrexham.

These forums will meet on a weekly basis to discuss local issues of importance, and agree issues for representatives to take to the Senedd Yr Ifanc meetings.

The current youth forum was established in 2001 and each member represents a different statutory, voluntary or community group in Wrexham. These include representatives of school councils, Communities First Youth Forums and local theatre and band groups.

Aled Roberts, lead member for Wrexham Borough Council, said: “The development of Senedd Yr Ifanc is in keeping with the council’s commitment to recognise that all children and young people have a voice and enable them to use it effectively.”