A HOUSEHOLDER claims a colony of newts were treated better than she was during roadworks.

Betty and Gerry McPhillips and neighbours Diane and Guy Barnett , of Shotwick, are angry over £58m changes to the A5117, which are nearing completion after two years.

Mrs McPhillips, 65, who has lived at her home for 15 years, complained the newts had £312,000 – £20,800 per newt – spent on them.

In the past the families used to join the dual carriageway directly and, although a safer access road has been installed, the angle is so sharp the Barnetts cannot get their caravan out and the McPhillips face delivery problems.

The Highways Agency is to overcome the problem by widening their gateways but this will mean losing part of their high hedges, leading to a loss privacy and security. They claim a request for a fence has been rejected.

Mrs Barnett, 43, a mother-of-three, who has lived at the property for 20 years, threatened a nude protest: “The bridge is a perfect position for a banner and the Highways Agency will have to pay for the therapy for the motorists.

“Give us what we want. We are not asking for gold-plating. The amount of money this project has cost, this is a miniscule amount”

Mrs Barnett claims the road is 1.5m closer than expected, resulting in greater traffic noise, although free secondary glazing has been provided.

The families would like to have an acoustic barrier fitted but this has also been rejected.

Mrs McPhillips now takes over-the-counter sleeping tablets and claims the stress of the situation has not helped her husband’s heart condition.

The families will be compensated two years after the completion of the road works.

Highways Agency spokeswoman Barbara Phillips said negotiations were on-going.

Weather permitting, the carriageway should open the weekend after next with a temporary 40mph speed limit.

The improvements will provide a free-flow link between the end of the M56, along the A5117, to the A550 into North Wales.

In the past traffic has become snarled up between Chester and Wirral on the Parkgate Road.