WIDNES Vikings Rugby League FC have been lined up to support this year’s Frodsham Downhill Run.

The rugby club – owned by haulage company tycoon, Steve O’Connor, who lives in a multi-million pound subterranean home carved into Helsby Hill – has stepped into the breach as major supporter of the annual community event, after Rocksavage Power Company told organisers it was unable to continue its longstanding sponsorship.

“It was a bit of a blow but we are very grateful to Rocksavage who have been so generous,” said organiser Sue Thomson.

“They donated £1,000 annually for the last five years towards the cost of staging the downhill run and, for five years before that, they sponsored the community talent contest that used to be held as part of Frodsham Carnival.

“But after casting out a net, we are very thankful and delighted that Widnes Vikings have agreed to contribute their support to the downhill run and we will work in partnership on this year’s event.”

Vikings spokesman, Brian O’Connor, said: “We are looking forward to supporting the downhill run as we are committed to delivering numerous community initiatives in our local area.”

The event has become a popular fixture on Frodsham’s community calendar, regularly attracting around 250 fun runners, from tots to pensioners, since it was launched in 2006.

Entry forms for the 1.5 mile run from the top of Frodsham Hill to the community centre in Fluin Lane are now available from the centre.

Mrs Thomson would be pleased to hear from anyone willing to help on the day, perhaps by acting as route marshalls. Call her on 07971 907669.