MEMBERS of Cheshire Police Authority heard in a meeting that Cheshire Special Constabulary has been going from strength to strength.

More and more people are giving up their spare time to help make Cheshire residents feel safe and be safe.

Specials come from all walks of life – they are teachers, taxi drivers, accountants and secretaries to name just a few careers – and they all volunteer a minimum of four and a half hours a week.

In Cheshire, we have more than 300 people who have converted their spare time into action by becoming a Special.

They get involved in a wide range of operational duties – patrolling city centres, visiting crime hot spots and helping regular officers in a variety of activities.

Cheshire's residents have benefited from more than 60,000 duty hours, many of which have been spent on specific operations targeting areas of the community where repeated complaints from residents are received in relation to anti-social behaviour.

The Special Constabulary plays an integral role in community policing and there is no doubt that their dedication makes a difference to peoples lives.

In previous years the Constabulary was recruiting an average of 70 new Specials a year; it has now gone up to more than 150.