CHESTER Grosvenor Museum’s Oral History Project gets under way this month.

And older people are asked to come forward if they went to school at what is now Dee House or St John’s School, have memories of the amphitheatre before its excavation, the ruins of St John’s Church and early memories of Grosvenor Park.

Young people have been using the park and the Amphitheatre spaces and the buildings in between for schooling and leisure across the decades.

This project will share the experiences of youth between the generations.

“We would really like to hear from a few more people with their memories of the area” said the museum’s learning development officer Kate Harland.

“People who would like to take part will have their memories recorded in June and July by Key Stage 3 pupils from Upton High School.

“The young people will use the memories to create dramatic and photographic interpretations which will become part of an exhibition at the Grosvenor Museum later this year.”

Chester ward Councillor Tom Parry said: “The museum will also be bringing out memorabilia and photos not seen for some time as part of the exhibition.

“I am sure that Grosvenor Park and its surrounding area hold a lot of memories for people and would ask them to get in touch with the museum so that they can become part of the oral history project.”

If you would like to take part please contact Learning Development Officer Kate Harland on 01244 402016 or