CHESHIRE Landscape Trust’s Tree Warden Scheme is celebrating its 21st anniversary.

The scheme recruits volunteers who have an interest in and concern for trees, woodlands and hedgerows .

There are currently 182 tree wardens giving their time to the scheme.

Wardens come from a variety of different backgrounds and do not necessarily have any prior knowledge of trees.

A genuine desire to protect and enhance their environment is the general requisite to become a dedicated tree warden.

Tom Blundell, a warden in Frodsham, said: “I joined Frodsham Tree Group 35 years ago when a local estate was built without a single tree. Today the trees we planted are a distinctive feature, particularly in the springtime, and areŠappreciated by residents.

Rex Broughton, tree warden for Marton, said he volunteered because of the pleasure he gets out of working in a small rural community:

“There are less than 300 people in Marton. I enjoy making a lasting contribution to the landscape and the enjoyment that locals and visitors continue to gain from it.”

If you would like to become a warden or support Cheshire Landscape Trust in any other way please get in touch. Contact information can be found at