Stargazers may be able to glimpse the remnants of Halley’s Comet above Cheshire tonight and tomorrow.

Set to peak on October 21 and 22, the Orionid meteor shower could wow onlookers with up 20 shooting stars an hour.

According to Met Office experts meteors from the Orionids, remnants of Halley’s Comets, travel at around 41 miles per second and leave long trails - making them easier to spot even if they are faint.

Optimum conditions

To catch a glimpse of the phenomenon you will need clear skies and, ideally, a location away from heavily lit communities.

The Met Office is predicting clear spells overnight for the county, with very good visibility.

Unfortunately the weather is expected to be cloudy above Merseyside tonight, though the skies could become clearer between 11pm and 1am. Predictions are similar for Thursday night with cloud expected to cause problems for stargazers, though the clouds are predicted to become lighter around 10pm, 1am and 4am.

The Orionids will be the latest late night spectacle to grace the skies of Cheshire.

Last month readers were dazzled by the incredible blood moon that appeared over the region.