WREXHAM is to double the number of asylum seekers living in the town.

Under a six-year-old agreement on dispersal of asylum seekers with the Home Office, Wrexham was identified as an area which could take up to 200. The town has only ever taken between 35-70.

Now the UK Borders Association has asked Wrexham Borough Council to increase its intake to 150.

Wrexham council leader Aled Roberts said: “Legally and technically they can go to 200 without permission.”

A private organisation is responsible for providing the accommodation.

“The only implication for the authority is if there are children who need schooling,” said Coun Roberts.

But since the number of children is likely to be small and the Welsh Assembly Government funds the English as an additional language service, the cost will be minimal.

The company providing the accommodation, Clearsprings, has expressed an interest in increasing its bed spaces in Wrexham.

A report to Wrexham council officials said: “Although this scenario increases asylum seeker numbers in Wrexham it will strengthen the case for retaining existing support services such as the Welsh Refugee Council and to further attract services that are currently not available such as legal service.

“There is currently no significant pressure on the homelessness team from refugees for accommodation. This is due to the relatively small numbers applying and of those the majority of people are single and not classified as priority.

“UKBA anticipate this trend will continue. An increase in the number of asylum seekers / bed spaces in Wrexham could potentially increase pressure on the service particularly if there was an increase in the number of families seeking asylum.”

It said Wrexham Local Health Board provides two dedicated health visitors two days per seek to support asylum seekers and refugees.