Cadet Phillip Powell has become the first Neston Air Cadet to be chosen to play in the National Marching Band of the Air Training Corps.

Phillip attended a week-long Band Camp at RAF Halton, in which he was assessed on his marching and playing abilities.

He was selected to perform at the Kingston Tattoo, which took place last Sunday.

Phillip first began playing the trumpet when he was eight years old in primary school, and joined Woodfall School Orchestra.

Since going to Wirral Grammar School, he has continued trumpet lessons and will be taking his grade 6 exam in the summer. He is also studying for GCSE music next year.

At school, he plays in the orchestra, concert band and senior brass group.

Outside school, he plays for Port Sunlight Orchestral Society, Wirral Schools Orchestra, and recently performed at Chester Cathedral with Wirral Symphony Orchestra, playing Mahler’s second Symphony.

Phillip is a founding member of 2365 (Neston) Squadron’s band, which performed at the Village Fair last year, and won third place in its first appearance at the Wing Field Training Day Competition in September last year.

Flight Lieutenant Paul Thelwell, Commanding Officer, 2375 (Neston) Squadron, said: “We are all extremely proud of Cadet Powell's achievements, and his latest appointment is well deserved. He is an accomplished musician and his parents must be very proud, as are we.”

Phillip’s achievement has been made possible thanks to the dedication of the squadron's newly appointed band master, civilian instructor Kath Powell, who gives up her time to teach the cadets.

The 2375 (Neston) Squadron is holding a recruitment evening on the Tuesday, May 20 from 7.30pm.

The squadron is based at Tanks Field, off Church Lane, Neston, CH64 9US.

It looks forward to meeting all prospective cadets between the ages of 13 and 17, along with parents.