Did you know there are 27 places called Chester in the USA?

It's true, and they can be found all across the country, from Maine in the east to sunny California in the west.

By far the largest is Chester, Pennsylvania, which is less than 20 miles outside Philadelphia and with a population of more than 30,000.

The oldest city in the state, it was renamed for its English counterpart by William Penn when it was still a settlement in 1682.

Rock 'n' roll king Bill Haley

Pioneering rock n roll band Bill Haley and the Comets originated in Chester, PA, and MLS team Philadelphia Union are based at the 18,500-seater Talen Energy Stadium.

Next largest are the Chesters in Virginia and New York State, which also make it into five figures in terms of population. According to the town's website, the latter claims to be the birthplace of Philadelphia-style cream cheese.

The Talen Energy Stadium in Chester, Pennsylvania which is home to the Philadelphia Union MLS team

Chester, Illinois, is known as the 'Home of Popeye', due to it being the birthplace of the cartoon character's creator, Elzie Segar.

A six-foot bronze statue of the spinach-chomping muscle man stands in a park dedicated to Segar.

Chester, Illinois, is known as the 'Home of Popeye'

Many of the US Chesters are small communities with a population in the hundreds including Chester, Arkansas, registered 159 people during the 2010 census.

A large majority will have been buried under snow during the recent poor weather to hit the east coast.

But of course none can match the beauty and history of the original Chester.

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