NEIGHBOURS objected when plans were put forward for extensions to a doctors’ surgery.

The application was submitted at Neston Surgery in Mellock Lane, Little Neston.

The surgery is at the rear of Neston Clinic and a pharmacy, according to a report.

Planning officers at Cheshire West and Chester Council were told approval was being sought for single-storey side extensions.

No comments were put forward by Neston Town Council.

Eight neighbours were consulted, of whom two sent in letters.

It was argued there was insufficient parking for the existing surgery and the development would lead to further congestion.

People parked along the entire length of the John Yeoman Close access road, they claimed, reducing it to a single lane.

Neighbours felt there would be increased noise, particularly from the intercom system which would affect their privacy and the privacy of patients.

They also felt the contemporary design of the extensions would not be in keeping with the surgery.

Planners were also told there was opposition to any further trees on the boundary with 8 and 10 John Yeoman Close as the existing trees were already an inconvenience.

Planning officers pointed out that traditional materials would be used in the modern and contemporary design.

They pointed out the surgery itself is of a modern design and the new build would not have an unreasonable effect on the character of the building or the surrounding area.

They did not believe that noise would rise to an unacceptable level.

Overall, planners believed the extensions would not lead to loss of privacy or overlooking of neighbours.

There was sufficient parking to meet the surgery’s needs, they felt.

The application was recommended for approval and the council agreed the extensions could have permission.