It has been three months since shoppers in England were forced to pay 5p for a carrier bag in supermarkets and larger stores across the country.

On October 5 2015 the government imposed the new law to crack down on the amount of plastic carrier bags used.

Some people are happy to come up with the cash to carry home the groceries and some are not - the Tesco store in Sealand Road was even forced to tag wired baskets after a number of them were stolen in the weeks after the law changed.

Dale Miles, a photographer who regularly shares his work on the Chester Chronicle Facebook page, posted a fabulous picture of nature taking its course - a chimp at Chester Zoo carrying their dinner home to eat.

Do you pay 5p for your carrier bags in the supermarket or come up with other chimp-tastic ways to get your shopping home?

Let us know in the comments box below or tweet us a pic @ChesterChon: