Residents are celebrating after councillors voted down plans for a massive student complex in their community.

Members of the public at the strategic planning committee of Cheshire West and Chester Council (Thursday, January 23) applauded when the 350-bed scheme next to Telford's Warehouse at Tower Wharf in Chester was resoundingly rejected.

Worries were raised about the impact on the character of the neighbourhood, the Telford's  community pub and music venue and nearby streets because of parking overspill.

Committee member Cllr Angela Claydon, who moved refusal of the application by Miller Developments, said: "I do feel very strongly the number of students who have moved in to that area is now becoming detrimental to the local area and the local community.

"I do feel that there does come to a tipping point and nobody wants to say students cannot live there or whatever, we need them in the city, but they should not all be in one area."

The application included the provision of 43 parking spaces but this was felt to be insufficient by some members. Highways officer Paul Parry said students were discouraged from bringing cars and had no need for them.    

However, committee member Alan McKie said: "I have two grandsons at Leeds University and it doesn't always stack up that students go without cars. I think it would overwhelm the area beyond our recognition."

Fellow member Cllr Keith Butcher said: "To put something like 300-400 people, with or without cars in that area, who will be by their very nature transitory and whose commitment will not be there to that area or even necessarily to Chester - it's an illusion to think the community spirit will be enhanced or will remain."

Ward councillor Bob Rudd, who addressed the meeting, said: "I have yet to meet a resident who supports these proposals. All were against the development and a large number - I think it's 130 - have sent in their objections."

Andrew Sutherland, joint managing director of Miller Developments, said the existing permission for offices on the site had not been taken up because there was no demand.  

The new proposal had been worked up in conjunction with the University of Chester who had a requirement for about 3,000 new units by 2016 and would manage the accommodation.

Mr Sutherland claimed existing homes of multiple occupancy (HMOs)in the area were not well managed and of poor quality.

This scheme would draw students away from HMOs which could be converted back into family housing.

The presence of students would have a beneficial economic impact. He said the scale and massing of the three blocks had been reduced in response to comments.

But members overturned their planning officer's recommendation for approval to one of refusal based on loss of employment land, harm to the conservation area and the detrimental effect on the local area and community.