A MEETING of leading UK tourism figures has taken place at Chester Zoo.

More than 50 representatives from top tourist attractions in the UK met to exchange ideas and plan ahead in the 69th ALVA (Association of Leading Visitor Attractions) Council meeting.

Chester Zoo’s managing director, Barbara Smith, said: “We were thrilled to host such a prestigious event and be able to showcase Chester Zoo in front of a very high profile audience, who are both our colleagues and competitors.

“It was great to see such a significant gathering of representatives from the UK’s leading attractions, all working to raise awareness of their venues and to improve the experiences they offer to visitors.

“The feedback I received about our zoo over the two days was quite exceptional, relating to the presentation of the zoo, the welfare of our animals, the quality of food and service, but most importantly, the friendliness of our staff. Everybody they came across exemplified the high standards that we set ourselves.”

Delegates enjoyed a tour of the zoo’s newest exhibitions – including the UK’s first underwater viewing zone for giant otters – and dinner in the new June’s Pavilion restaurant.