A weekly feature on the lives and loves of people from our city.

My day: It should begin at 7am when my first alarm chimes, however I must admit I am a snoozer and normally get up at 7.20am.

This is followed by a trip to the kitchen  for coffee, a scroll of my work emails and diary via my phone. From here I have a flavour of how my day ahead will be played out. 

Working at Claire House is awe-inspiring and fast-paced so I like to be ahead of the game as plans for the day  can evolve quickly.

Following coffee, I move on to my  favourite part of my early morning  routine, waking my 11-year-old daughter up. Each day every day as soon as her eyes open she often has me laughing  with her fantastic sense of humour. 

We also have wardrobe wars as Tegan  is at the age where she wants to ‘borrow’ my scarves and flat shoes.

When the school run is done I head to my office based at the Claire House shop in Chester City Centre, where the laptop goes on and the incredible varying work of a fundraiser begins.  My day goes from  meeting managing directors of corporate business, writing proposals, taking  supporters for a tour around the hospice, delivering collection buckets and T-shirts to groups holding events for Claire House, attending organised events and cheque presentations, to  standing in a freezing cold field in the rain putting a gazebo up for a weekend event.

There is no 9-5 in fundraising, so lunch is as and when I can squeeze it in. I have to manage my day around what our  wonderful supporters are doing to raise money for the charity. I am continually inspired by the vast number of amazing people who support the cause and I  relish the thought of being a tiny cog in the process of helping them to raise awareness or money for Claire House.

Dress: This varies widely – I can wear anything from smart outfits and  high heels to jeans and wellies.

What is the favourite  part of your job? I love meeting people and spending time with them and telling them  about Claire House and why it cost £2.9m  to keep its doors open. Also, I enjoy helping  them to understand that  the hospice supports so many children and young people from our local area with life limiting and threatening illness in an amazing environment.

What is your least favourite part of your job? When fundraising staff are made aware that a child or young person has passed away at the hospice, my heart aches every time.

What would be your dream job if you weren’t doing what you do now? I am doing it now.

How do you relax when you are not working? I have a health issue which means I can get run down, so relaxing is important for me. Normally, I will take a few days and hop on the plane to the Isle of Man where my partner lives. He is wonderful at spoiling me!

What is your favourite film? Philadelphia. It moves me to tears – but  justice prevails.

What is your favourite book? The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists by Robert Tressell.

What is your favourite song? Higher Window by Josh Groban. This song is so romantic and again has the power to move me to tears.

If a film was made of your life, who  would you like to play you? Nina Sosanya

Have you had your 15 minutes of fame? Hope so! I wanted to shout out about Claire House and my goal is now achieved.

We want to hear from people from all walks of life – to take part, email jo.henwood@trinitymirror.com or fill out the form below:

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