PUPILS of Wrexham’s Victoria Junior School took a step back in time to the 1940s when they held a Second World War theme day.

Children have been learning about the war across the curriculum and their theme day was aimed at teaching pupils about what it was like to live during the war.

As part of the Welsh Assembly Government’s Appetite for Life initiative, pupils were also served a Second World War style lunch, designed to promote healthy eating and to teach children about the food and rationing during the war.

Pauline Lodge, assistant catering supervisor, said: “The lunch has been a fantastic success, the children loved the food we served. It is difficult to get children eating healthy nowadays but holding a theme day has been a brilliant way of getting children involved with healthier food as well as learning about the war.”

The children were served a lunch with a choice of Lord Woolton vegetable pie, corned beef hash or potato piglets, followed by a choice of wartime style cookies and jelly.

Many children also dressed up and the dining hall was decorated with Union Jack banners while a Victory Day celebration film was played on a big screen.