TWO war veterans who parachuted to safety over Paris from a damaged bomber have met up for the first time in 64 years.

Lancaster gunners Leslie Faircloth and Dougie Jordin were both 19 when they were forced to bale out over Paris in 1944.

All seven crew survived, but they were never reunited.

Mr Faircloth, from Wrexham, and Mr Jordin, from Blackpool, are believed to be the last surviving crew members.

The men, both 84, were put back in touch after Mr Faircloth's daughter-in-law found a D Jordin listed in the phone book after her husband had researched the mission.

Mr Faircloth rang it and spoke to Mr Jordin's wife before his old crew mate was put on the phone.

He said: “That's the first time we had spoken for 64 years.

“I had a job to speak to him, I was really filled right up. I shed a tear.”

The two men met up on Sunday near Warrington.

When he baled out Mr Jordin landed in someone’s back yard. He made contact with the French Resistance but was betrayed and taken to the notorious Gestapo prison in Fresnes.

He was later loaded onto a railway cattle truck and taken to the Buchenwald concentration camp, where he remained until 1945.

Mr Faircloth was luckier, he managed to acquire a French identity card.

He escaped from some German soldiers, and walked over the Pyrenees into Spain.

There he was captured by Spanish troops and put into prison in Figueras. He was freed by the British consulate and returned to the UK from Gibraltar.

“I was a bit luckier than Dougie. My schoolboy French came in handy,” said Mr Faircloth.

“I came across this old couple working on a vegetable plot after about three days and they welcomed me with open arms when I introduced myself.”

He added: “A couple of days later a police inspector turned up which was a bit worrying but he handed me a French identity card – I was now a Jean Henri Le Paul – and a travel card and wished me 'bon chance’.”

After the two men caught up and shared their memories, they vowed not to leave it long before meeting up again.