A PLAY bus has had a ‘good’ rating from Ofsted.

Inspector Sue Anslow visited the Meadow Farm Play Bus, which opened in 1975 and operates on The Straw Hat car park in Randle Meadow, Great Sutton.

The play bus has 40 early years children on roll and can care for 16 at any one time.

The association aims to welcome and include all children equally, according to the inspector’s report.

Partnerships with parents are given high priority in order to meet each family’s needs and offer the most appropriate support as required.

Parents are kept informed of their child’s progress, which is monitored closely and can serve on the committee and help with fund raising events.

The play bus is very well known in the area and many of the children have had parents, cousins and even grandparents who either attended or were closely involved.

Appropriate activities are offered to move the youngsters on to the next stage or to practise what they have already learned.

Events and festivals are included, which the children may find interesting and enjoyable.

The bus is described as ‘well organised’ with creative opportunities downstairs and quieter activities and books upstairs.

Children are encouraged to make their own choices about play and learning.

The staff help children to become more confident and independent and they learn to share and take turns and are encouraged to help each other and the staff.

Staff watch children as they go up and down the steep steps in the bus.

The small team meets regularly to plan interesting and exciting tasks.

Rating all aspects of the play bus as ‘good’, the inspector said: “Children behave very well and enjoy warm praise and attention for their efforts and achievements.”