THERE'S an old saying: 'Open your eyes and open your heart and see what providence will give you'.

People sometimes say: 'In the providence of God such and such a thing happened.'

The word providence means to see something in advance. Therefore, because God is eternal and created time, He is able to attend to our needs before we knew we had them.

The puritans said: 'He who observes providence will not be long before he has a providence to observe'.

After almost 60 years of observing providence, I can truthfully say my faith has been strengthened and my heart warmed thousands of times by clear signs of God's providential love and care.

Here's an example of that providence.

I had an appointment with a newspaper editor in a town we had never been to before. I knew the road but, when I got there, I realised I'd forgotten to bring his telephone and house numbers and there were more than 100 houses in that long road.

Instinctively, we closed our eyes and prayed. When we opened them, we saw a lady walking along the pavement.

I called out: 'Do you know anyone called Banks who lives in this road?'

She replied: 'Yes, I'm just delivering this newspaper article to him.'

Our mouths opened with wonder and praise to God for another example of His providential care.

We've observed too many providences to know they're God incidences not coincidences.

The Bible is right when it says: 'In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths' [Proverbs 3:5,6].