ELTON residents are being invited to share their views on their community’s needs and help steer future plans for the area.

If the Frodsham Marshes wind farm proposal receives planning permission and is built, developer Peel Energy will provide a £1.5m-£2.25m Community Benefit Fund to support community projects in the area.

A meeting takes place tomorrow (Thursday) at Elton Community Centre from 5-8pm.

The Community Foundation for Merseyside, an independent registered charity, is consulting residents in the area to find out how such a fund could support local needs and wishes.

Rural Agenda and Market Towns team manager Chris Capes said: “This is an opportunity for local residents to highlight the needs and successes of their local community and how any future support could help to improve local standards of living.”

Residents can share their views via the feedback form, by filling in a survey form available in local council offices, libraries and leisure centres or from your councillors.

The group is in no way supporting the development and the negotiations for the Community Benefit Fund will not influence the decision that will be made by the Secretary of State after appeal.

A Community Benefit Fund is not a statutory undertaking when delivering a wind farm development and is considered by Peel as something they wish to develop with the community.