COUNCIL tenants and leaseholders have been finding out about future options for their homes and how they can get involved to make a difference.

At a roadshow independent advisors DOME Consultants, who were appointed by tenant representatives from the borough’s Community Housing Panel, met with over 300 tenants who were invited to join the ‘Your Home, Your Future’ group.

Advisor Kathryn Williams said: “The group will be looking at all of the options in detail over the next few months.

“Important issues such as how the Council landlord is financed, and why there doesn’t seem to be enough money to improve the homes to the Government’s Decent Homes Standard will be looked at by the group.

“It is our job to make sure that tenants can find out more about the options and then the group will make recommendations for the future to the new council.”

She added: “As far as rents are concerned the government has rules about rent increases that are the same for all of the options. Tenants also retain all their key rights such as the right to buy their home or the right to pass on their tenancy to a family member who lives with them.”