YALE College is celebrating its professionalism yet again as it is declared officially one of the best places in Wales to help learners find a suitable career path.

Yale College has achieved the Careers Wales Quality Award for Careers Education and Guidance and Work Related Education.

The award means the college has been scrutinised for its effectiveness in maximising student career potential in its overall strategic focus; staff management and working closely with outside organisations, whilst keeping a keen eye on the impact of the career provision by constantly evaluating success.

“It is the college vision, that every Yale student progresses to a successful career,” said Dr Jeff Harrison, student support centre manager, who co-ordinated this achievement.

“Receiving this award demonstrates our true dedication to giving learners real direction for the future.”

Lesley Lloyd, Careers Wales North East, said: “Yale College has been presented the Careers Wales Quality Award for its outstanding commitment to careers guidance for its students.

“The standards gained are very high and compare very favourably with those colleges who have achieved the award across the whole of Wales which also met the strict criteria for excellence in careers education.”

Further information about learning opportunities at Yale College in 2008-9 can be found by logging on to www.yale-wrexham.ac.uk or calling 01978 311794.