Stoma nurse specialists from the Countess of Chester Hospital are holding a free Stoma Care Open Day at Upton-by-Chester Golf Club on Wednesday, April 25.

The event, which is running from 1-5pm, gives people with stomas and their families a chance to meet others as well as view demonstrations and find out about products and aides that could help them.

Associate practitioner in stoma care Maria Brown said: “This annual open day is part of the continuing care we provide to stoma patients.

“Having a stoma is life-changing and can take some getting used to so it really helps to speak to not only healthcare professionals like myself but others going through the same thing.

“That’s one of the reasons why this event is so special and valued by everyone involved.”

Representatives from the Stoma Support Group also attend the event, inviting guests to join up and meet on the last Saturday of every month throughout the year.

Stoma Support Group chairman Ken Croft said: “Most people in the support group spend all year waiting for the open day. It’s something we really look forward to.”

Anyone interested in joining the Stoma Support Group can do so by contacting 01244 366170.