SHE was one of Chester Zoo’s miracles when she was born but little giraffe Margaret has proved to be just that for a second time.

Margaret was not only the first female Rothschild Giraffe born at the zoo but also considered to be the smallest giraffe ever born.

A first calf for six-year-old mum Faye, Margaret tipped the scales at just 34 kilos and reached a mere 5ft in height when she was born in January.

In her early days, Margaret had difficulty suckling from Faye and eventually had to be removed from the rest of the herd as her dedicated team of keepers, including Belinda Porter and Clare Rooney, battled to save her life.

Margaret’s fight for survival will be followed by viewers of the new Zoo Days series, which starts on Five on August 11.

Series producer Ron Trickett said: “Margaret’s birth made headline news. Her incredible fight for survival makes compelling viewing.”