THE news last week that Oxford University was to cut its number of UK and EU students so that it could recruit more full fee-paying international students was hailed by some writers as a strike for independence for the university sector.

Frustrated by years of Government-controlled finances and exacerbated by the decision to limit UK students' tuition fees to £3,000 a year, the Russell Group of top universities is looking for ways of boosting their income while sending a strong message to the Government.

The debate is about more than finances and political influences. It is also about the role of the university in modern society and whom should they serve: the rich, the UK workforce or the population as a whole.

Few believe, at least openly, that we should go back to a system whereby only those who can afford it can go into higher education. Social justice demands more.

Running our universities for the benefit of our workforce would create a highly skilled labour force able to make Britain highly competitive. But then logic would also demand that in these circumstances market forces would control all aspects of the university system.

If it is the general population which is to benefit from higher education, the above concerns would be met but we would need to accept more Government control - after all, politicians are in the best position to interpret the wishes of the people.

Oxford should accept that the days of serving the rich are over and it's time they served the whole population with all the political interference that entails.