Guilden Sutton Primary enjoyed a very busy health Week packed with fun and informative activities.

The importance of exercise and healthy eating were discussed in lots of different ways, including apple day when pupils enjoyed activities like apple bobbing and making apple crisps.

Headteacher Kathy Crowe said: “A special treat was apple pressing where the children watched the apples being crushed in the press and enjoyed freshly made apple juice which they all agreed was delicious.

“The children were taught first aid and important lessons about what to do in an emergency which they role-played very well. All the children also went on the life bus to learn all about subjects from their feelings to their own bodies.

“The younger children loved Harold the Giraffe who was hugely entertaining and a wonderful way to teach the children important messages about feelings and different parts of the body.”

The week ended with the whole school wearing pink to support Breast Cancer Awareness and £179 was raised.