A VILLAGE school is offering good standards in history says Ofsted.

The finding follows a visit to Tilston Parochial Church of England Primary School on Church Road, Tilston, by inspector Peter Limm.

In a letter to acting headteacher Mrs A Barnett, the inspector says the school's achievement in history is strong and attainment is above average.

Most pupils make good progress in developing their historical skills and understanding.

They are offered a wide range of stimulating activities both inside and outside the classroom.

The youngsters told the inspector that history was very enjoyable because the lessons are always making you do things rather than just listen.

Teachers have developed good relationships with their pupils and their marking in the pupils’ books helps them to see how to improve their work.

The children say they value their comments.

The quality of the curriculum in history is also good and there is a rolling programme of history topics at the school.

A good range of visits is organised by the school to local places of historic interest.

The leadership and management of history at the school is sound and the acting headteacher is very well supported by staff in the subject.