Students at The King’s School in Chester have had the chance to interview an expert for the BBC School Report.

Pupils interviewed former pupil and Sky senior news correspondent Jonathan Samuels via Skype.

Jonathan said that he was impressed with the students’ stories and answered a number of questions, before offering some top tips about speaking to the camera and engaging the audience.

King's School students interviewed Sky senior news correspondent Jonathan Samuels

Third-year student Jake Wundke said: “It really helped to talk to a professional and we found it very inspiring.

“His tips were all incredibly useful in light of our upcoming reports.

“I also found it really interesting to talk to an ex-pupil; if he could be a senior journalist, it makes us think that we could eventually do something like that one day too!”

The three teams of students have been working on stories including a guide to the EU Referendum, a discussion on the role of female authors and a report about the charity Nicola’s Fund with Pippa McKeown in the English Department.

The final news report will be featured on The King’s School website.

Abbey Gate College welcomes ex-pupil & BBC journalist Jon Kay for BBC School Report Day

Abbey Gate College pupils also welcomed a former pupil to Saighton for BBC School Report day.

To mark the 10th anniversary of the event, students welcomed BBC journalist Jon Kay.

As well as giving them tips on how to get the best from a story, Jon treated the children to some of his most memorable reporting moments and highlights of his career so far.

Pupils brushed up on their interviewing techniques and quizzed Jon about his road from Abbey Gate College student to BBC star.